Building Funds

Panoramic X-Ray Room

Alpha Omega Foundation US is building a radiology room for a new Panoramic x-ray machine designed for people with disabilities. The equipment and room will be part of Robert I. Schattner Oral Health Center for People with Disabilities at the Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine. This state-of-the-art facility will provide accessible, optimal care for children & adults with disabilities while training dental professionals to care for the most vulnerable population.


Dental Volunteers International Trudy Birger Dental Clinic

Dr. Jonathan Sherman, in partnership with the Alpha Omega Foundation US, initiated a matching gift campaign for a new dental chair at the Dental Volunteers Israel Trudi Birger Dental Clinic in Jerusalem in honor of his father Alan J. Sherman. The dental chair is a gift to the clinic to honor the legacy of Alan Sherman's unremitting commitment to helping others.

DVI Chair with adult woman in chair