Engaging, Inspiring, and Publicly Supporting Oral Health

Through Dental Research, Education, Access, & lmpactful Initiatives Worldwide!

Oral Healthcare Initiatives

The Alpha Omega Foundation US is dedicated to supporting dental schools and dental centers in Israel, as well as addressing similar needs globally through various project categories.


Providing oral health services to individuals facing barriers to treatment due to economic, physical, or political circumstances who would otherwise be unable to receive necessary care.


Supporting dental educational programs to enable students and faculty to contribute to the advancement of understanding of oral diseases and development of cures.


Caring for the elderly, handicapped and economically vulnerable Holocaust survivors by providing in-kind services within private practices, affiliated hospitals or dental institutions.


In 1953, a group of Alpha Omega Fraternity leaders embarked on a mission to establish a top-tier dental school in Israel. Collaborating with the Hadassah Hebrew University, Alpha Omega integrated a school of dentistry into the University’s structure in Jerusalem.

The objective was to replace retiring immigrant dentists, offering modern services to the growing population resulting from an influx of refugees. In 1964, this vision materialized, and Alpha Omega proudly became the founder of the Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Dental Medicine in Israel.

Seeking to broaden their impact, Alpha Omega members founded the Alpha Omega Foundation US in 1969, serving as the US charitable arm of the Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity. The Foundation’s commitment to Dental Medicine’s advancement continued with its instrumental role in the establishment of the Tel Aviv University School of Dental Medicine in 1970.

In 2012, when the Tel Aviv University School of Dental Medicine teetered on the brink of closure, the Foundation, along with the American Friends of Tel Aviv University, Dean Adam Stabholz of the Hadassah/Hebrew University Dental School, Israeli government and other notable dental professionals in Israel embarked on a $3 million fundraising campaign to renovate the school’s facilities, establish specialized care for individuals with unique needs, and the cultivation of new revenue streams from both higher tuitions paid by students training to be specialists in the fields of endodontics, prosthodontics, and periodontics and the care they provide.

Today, the Alpha Omega Foundation continues to support both of these dental schools and additional dental healthcare centers in Israel and around the world. View our impact. 


The Foundation is committed to advancing dental research, supporting education, creating access to dental care for underserved populations, and improving care throughout the world.

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🌟 Celebrating Women’s History Month with two powerhouse leaders! 🌟

Maayan Galili (AOFUS Board Member) and Dr. Rada Sumareva (AOFUS Treasurer) are trailblazers in their fields, driving impact through innovation, leadership, and advocacy. Their dedication, vision, and leadership inspire us every day. 

Join us in celebrating these remarkable women who are shaping the future! Visit this link to donate to AO in their honor:


#WomensHistoryMonth #Wonderwoman #AmazingWomen #WhoRunTheWorld #WomenLeaders #AlphaOmegaFoundation #AlphaOmegaUS  #JewishDentists #DentalPhilanthropy #JewishHealthcareSupport #StrongerTogetherJewishCommunity #JewishHealthcareProfessionals #TikkunOlam

🌟 Celebrating Women’s History Month with two powerhouse leaders! 🌟

Maayan Galili (AOFUS Board Member) and Dr. Rada Sumareva (AOFUS Treasurer) are trailblazers in their fields, driving impact through innovation, leadership, and advocacy. Their dedication, vision, and leadership inspire us every day.

Join us in celebrating these remarkable women who are shaping the future! Visit this link to donate to AO in their honor:


#WomensHistoryMonth #Wonderwoman #AmazingWomen #WhoRunTheWorld #WomenLeaders #AlphaOmegaFoundation #AlphaOmegaUS #JewishDentists #DentalPhilanthropy #JewishHealthcareSupport #StrongerTogetherJewishCommunity #JewishHealthcareProfessionals #TikkunOlam
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The Alpha Omega Foundation US proudly recognizes the outstanding women who have led—and continue to lead—the US Foundation and AO International Dental Society with passion and purpose.

Honor one or all of these remarkable women with a tribute to the Alpha Omega Foundation! Your donation advances global oral health by supporting education, research, and access to care for underserved and underrepresented communities.

Donate by visiting the link here:

Our esteemed female leaders: 

✨ Previous International Presidents ✨

🔹 Charlene Berkman - 2009-2010

🔹 Marcy Schwartzman – 2013

🔹 Wendy Spektor - 2016

🔹 Gail Schupak - 2022-2023 

🔹 Sharon Perlmutter - International President-Elect 


✨ AO Society Board Members ✨ 

🔹 Deborah Amar, Regional Director – International Jerusalem: 2025-2027 

🔹 Lois Jackson, Regional Director - U.S. 2025-2027 

🔹 Nina Tetra, Member-at-Large –2025 

🔹 Lea Sarment - Young Alumni Director 2025 
🔹 Sarah Teitelbaum - International Student Representative 2025

🔹 Wendy Spektor, Past Presidential Advisor 2025

✨ AO Foundation US Board Member ✨ 

🔹 Rada Sumareva 

🔹 Maayan Galili

#WomensHistoryMonth #InternationalWomensDay #AlphaOmegaFoundation #WomenInDentistry #WomensHistoryMonth #LeadingWithImpact #JewishWomenLeaders #AOCommunity #PhilanthropyInAction #WomenInHealthcare #GivingBack #StrongerTogether #TikkunOlam #ServiceAndLeadership #HealingTheWorld #womenwhoinspire

The Alpha Omega Foundation US proudly recognizes the outstanding women who have led—and continue to lead—the US Foundation and AO International Dental Society with passion and purpose.

Honor one or all of these remarkable women with a tribute to the Alpha Omega Foundation! Your donation advances global oral health by supporting education, research, and access to care for underserved and underrepresented communities.

Donate by visiting the link here:

Our esteemed female leaders:

✨ Previous International Presidents ✨

🔹 Charlene Berkman - 2009-2010

🔹 Marcy Schwartzman – 2013

🔹 Wendy Spektor - 2016

🔹 Gail Schupak - 2022-2023

🔹 Sharon Perlmutter - International President-Elect

✨ AO Society Board Members ✨

🔹 Deborah Amar, Regional Director – International Jerusalem: 2025-2027

🔹 Lois Jackson, Regional Director - U.S. 2025-2027

🔹 Nina Tetra, Member-at-Large –2025

🔹 Lea Sarment - Young Alumni Director 2025
🔹 Sarah Teitelbaum - International Student Representative 2025

🔹 Wendy Spektor, Past Presidential Advisor 2025

✨ AO Foundation US Board Member ✨

🔹 Rada Sumareva

🔹 Maayan Galili

#WomensHistoryMonth #InternationalWomensDay #AlphaOmegaFoundation #WomenInDentistry #WomensHistoryMonth #LeadingWithImpact #JewishWomenLeaders #AOCommunity #PhilanthropyInAction #WomenInHealthcare #GivingBack #StrongerTogether #TikkunOlam #ServiceAndLeadership #HealingTheWorld #womenwhoinspire
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Our February newsletter is now available! Keep up to date with AO members achievements, initiatives, and celebratory moments! 

Find it here: 

#AlphaOmegaFoundation #AlphaOmegaInternationalSociety #AOFoundationUS�#JewishDentalCommunity�#DentalPhilanthropy #SupportJewishDentistry�#DentalMentorship�#StrongerTogetherJewishCommunity�#JewishHealthcareProfessionals #AOFoundationCares�#DentalUnityUSIsrael�#ChangingLivesOneSmileAtATime�#FromTheCommunityForTheCommunity

Our February newsletter is now available! Keep up to date with AO members' achievements, initiatives, and celebratory moments!

Find it here:

#AlphaOmegaFoundation #alphaomegainternationalsociety #aofoundationus#jewishdentalcommunity#dentalphilanthropy #supportjewishdentistry#dentalmentorship#StrongerTogetherJewishCommunity#jewishhealthcareprofessionals #aofoundationcares#dentalunityusisrael#changinglivesonesmileatatime#FromtheCommunityFortheCommunity
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